How do I name DOES when filing an Amended Complaint in LASC?

Correctly filing Amended Complaints with DOES

When filing an Amended Complaint in Los Angeles County Superior Court, the Court has outlined a specific way in which to add the names of John or Jane Does, if applicable. Please note that it is always the filer's responsibility to enter all named DOES for any Amended Complaints, the court clerk will not enter them for you.

Step 1: Choose the document type

At the Documents screen, choose either “Amendment to Complaint (Fictitious/Incorrect Name)” or “Amendment to Cross-Complaint (Fictitious/Incorrect Name)”

Step 2: Select on whose behalf you are filing

Step 3: Enter the true names of the DOES

Under the "As To" section of the Documents screen, click Add Party and enter the true name of the DOE(S).

Step 4: Confirm entry and select "Fictitious Name"

Once you have added all parties and confirmed how they appear under the "New As To" section, select "Fictitious Name" and attach your file. 

*Please note you must enter all named DOES for the amended complaint you are filing, the court clerk will not enter them for you.*

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