Ordering Service of Process: Standalone vs. Bundled

Explore the nuances of ordering One Legal's Service of Process, understanding standalone versus bundled options, and the importance of detailed service information.

One Legal offers two distinct methods for ordering the Service of Process: Standalone and Bundled. This article will guide you through the differences, benefits, and considerations of each method. 

Standalone Service of Process

How to Order: Simply click on the "Service of Process" button on the home dashboard to initiate a standalone order. 

Document Submission: Users should follow the on-screen steps in the order placement workflow. Documents should preferably be in Word or PDF format, with each document having a file size limit of 25MB. There's no overall limit to the number of documents that can be uploaded. 

Order Tracking: Your service order will have a unique tracking ID (order number) which can be used to monitor the status on its unique order status page. Email updates will be sent for significant milestones. 

Common Scenarios: Standalone orders are ideal when: 

  • You think that you may need to add documents need to be added after filing.
  • The exact address or whereabouts of the service target is uncertain at the time of filing. 
  • Documents need to be served prior to filing or you need to serve a document like a subpoena that is not directly related to a court filing.

Bundled Service of Process 

How to Order: A bundled Service of Process order is placed simultaneously with a case initiating court filing. One Legal will automatically initiate the service once the court returns the accepted/stamped documents 

Document Submission: When placing a bundled court filing and service of process order, the document requirements of the court you are filing in apply. Some court’s systems have different limits for each document and overall envelope. Consult the court directory for more details. 

Order Tracking: Each part of a bundled order generates its own unique order number and status page. The serve remains in "Pending Processing" status until the court filing is complete. Users can view the status of their bundled orders via the "Related Orders" widget on each order status page. 

Advantages: Bundling is a time-saving option, allowing users to place a single order to initiate a new lawsuit and have it served. 

Providing Detailed Service Information

When placing an order for Service of Process, whether standalone or bundled, it's essential to provide detailed and accurate information about the service target. This ensures that our contractors can efficiently and effectively serve the necessary documents. Here's what you need to know: 

Serving Individuals 

Address Details: A full address is required for the individual you wish to serve. Our workflow integrates with Google Maps to validate the provided addresses, ensuring they are real. However, this doesn't confirm the presence of the target at the given address. If you're uncertain about the target's exact location, consider requesting a skip trace to obtain more accurate details. 

Physical Description: To increase the likelihood of a successful serve, it's beneficial to provide a detailed physical description of the individual. Aim for at least five distinguishing features, such as height, hair color, eye color, any noticeable tattoos, or specific clothing preferences. If available, a photograph can significantly aid our contractors in identifying the individual. 

Serving Businesses/Organizations

Agent for Service: When serving a business or organization, it's crucial to identify the agent for service. This is the individual or entity designated to receive legal documents on behalf of the business. If the business has either CT or CSC as their registered agent, you can directly select this option. Otherwise, you'll need to manually enter the agent's details. 

Address Details: As with individuals, a complete address is necessary. Our system will validate the address to ensure its authenticity. 

By providing comprehensive service information, you not only streamline the process but also enhance the chances of a successful serve. Detailed information minimizes potential delays and ensures that your legal documents reach the intended recipient promptly.

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